Adopted 9th February 1994 and amended 22nd April 1994 and 16th May 2017
- The Society shall be called CROYDON AREA GAY SOCIETY
- To promote the principle that lesbian gay bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) people are entitled to lead lives openly without fear prejudice or hostility
- To work towards the positive representation in education and the media of the lives of LGBT people
- To promote pride and mutual support within the LGBT community in Croydon
- To encourage a variety of social cultural recreational and educational events to benefit the LGBT community in Croydon
- To help and support LGBT people in difficulties
- To work with other community groups to ensure that the needs of local LGBT people are taken into account at all levels
- Shall be open to all who support the aims of the Society and pay the subscription
- Honorary Life Membership
- Honorary Life Membership may be conferred upon a member of the Society in recognition of outstanding service to the Society
- Nominations for Honorary Life Membership may only be made by the Committee of the Society and must be approved by the Society in General Meeting
Non-members may be admitted to meetings of the Society but the Officers of the Committee shall retain the absolute right to refuse admission - SUBSCRIPTIONS
- Persons applying to the Society for membership shall pay not less than such minimum subscription as the Committee of the Society shall decide
- The right to vote at any General Meeting of the Society is restricted to fully paid up members
- The management of the Society unless otherwise stated shall be deputed to a Committee comprising the Officers and up to nine ordinary members
- The Officers shall be Chairman or Chairwoman Secretary and Treasurer
- The Committee shall be responsible for managing all aspects of the work of the Society and shall have the power to regulate its proceedings by means of standing orders or in any way it deems fit within the provisions of this Constitution except that the Committee shall ensure that it maintains an accessible record of its proceedings and causes to be maintained an up to date register of members and an accurate and accessible account of all financial transactions entered upon by the Society
- The Annual General Meeting shall be convened once in each calendar year at a date time and place to be determined by the Committee provided that no more than 15 months have elapsed between consecutive AGMs
- There shall be written notification given of the date of the AGM to all notifiable members of the Society at least 3 months prior to the date of the AGM
- There shall be further written notification given of the AGM to all notifiable members of the Society at least 14 days prior to the date of the AGM and notice shall include the time and place of and details of the business to be transacted at the Meeting including all proposed Resolutions to be submitted to the Meeting
- The Annual General Meeting shall be responsible for
- electing the Committee
- approving the Treasurer’s audited statement of accounts for the year
- adopting the report of the Chairman or Chairwoman
- appointing an auditor
- deciding on any resolution which is submitted to the meeting
- Election of the Committee
- At the Annual General Meeting all the Committee members shall stand down but shall be eligible for re-election
- Candidates for the Committee must be members of the Society of at least six months standing and must be nominated in writing to the Secretary by two other members of at least six months standing such nomination to be received by the Secretary not less than seven days before the Annual General Meeting. The nomination must be endorsed by the candidate showing willingness to stand for election.
- Procedure at Elections
- The Committee shall appoint a Returning Officer to supervise the elections
- All elections at the Annual General Meeting shall be by secret ballot
- In case of equality of votes the member in the chair shall draw lots
- In case of any post or posts being uncontested the candidates for those posts shall be subjected to a vote of confidence by a simple majority of those voting
- Defeated candidates for any office may subject to prior nomination seek election as an ordinary member of the Committee
- Members shall have the right to a postal vote on application to the Secretary. Such votes must be received by the Secretary not less than 24 hours before the AGM
- Resolutions
- Any Resolution proposed and seconded by members for consideration at the AGM must be in writing and received by the Secretary not less than 42 days before the AGM
- Voting on these Resolutions at the AGM shall be by secret ballot
- Members shall have the right to a postal vote on application to the Secretary. Such votes must be received by the Secretary not less than 24 hours before the AGM
- Postal votes shall be invalid on any Resolution which is amended in any way at the AGM
- In the case of equality of votes on a Resolution the member in the Chair shall have a second and casting vote
The Committee shall have the power to appoint a member of at least six months standing to fill any vacancy on the Committee that may arise during the year - CO-OPTION
The Committee shall have the power to co-opt up to three additional members. Persons so co-opted must be members of the Society of at least six months standing - COMMITTEE MEETING
- The Committee shall meet at such regular intervals as it shall decide to examine the accounts and to arrange the affairs of the Society
- Four members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum
- The Committee may appoint a Vice-Chairman or Vice-Chairwoman
- The Committee meetings shall be open to Society members and there shall be an item on the agenda enabling Society members to speak
- Minutes shall be taken of all meetings and these Minutes shall be open to inspection by any member of the Society
- An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened for the purpose of considering and deciding upon any one or more of the following matters:
- dismissing one or more of the members of the Committee and electing members to fill the vacancies occurring thereby
- considering and deciding upon alterations amendments and additions to this Constitution
- considering and deciding upon a motion to dissolve the Society and upon the consequent disposal of assets which the organisation may hold
- An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened for considering and deciding upon any other matter that shall be deemed to merit such consultation
- An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened at any time by the Committee and shall be convened upon receipt by the Secretary of a requisition so to do signed by 10 members or 20% of the membership whichever is the lesser number
- There shall be notification given of any Extraordinary General Meeting to all notifiable members of the Society at least seven days prior to the date of that meeting and the notice shall include details of the business to be transacted at that meeting
- Only items included on that agenda shall be considered at that Extraordinary General Meeting
- Voting on any Resolution at the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be by secret ballot
- Members shall have the right to a postal vote on application to the Secretary. Such votes must be received by the Secretary not less than 24 hours before the Extraordinary General Meeting
- Postal votes shall be invalid on any Resolution which is amended in any way at the Extraordinary General Meeting
- An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened for the purpose of considering and deciding upon any one or more of the following matters:
- The Chair shall be taken by the Chairman or Chairwoman or in the case of his or her absence by a member selected by the Committee
- In the case of an equality of votes on a Resolution the member in the chair shall have a second and casting vote
The Committee shall be the sole authority for interpreting this Constitution - ALTERATIONS TO THE CONSTITUTION
- This Constitution can only be amended by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting
- Details of the proposed amendments shall be sent out with the notice convening that Meeting
- A Resolution to dissolve the Society shall be made only at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose and such a Resolution shall be carried only if at least two-thirds of the members present and entitled to vote vote in favour of such dissolution
- A Resolution to dissolve the Society shall contain an instruction to a nominee of the meeting determining and authorising the disposal of the assets of the Society and this instruction shall be conclusive provided that it conforms with the aims and objectives of the Society and that all the outstanding financial debts and obligations charged to the Society shall have first been discharged
- There shall be not less than two nor more than three Trustees of the Society
- The sum of Six Thousand Pounds being that part of the monies retained in the Society’s Special Fund (originally called “The Gay Centre Appeal Fund” by resolution of 4th October 1982) shall constitute the capital sum invested in the Trustees and shall not be reduced other than by a resolution of an Extraordinary General or Annual General Meeting of the Society or its successor
- Such resolution shall require a two-thirds majority of the members present
- Any monies in excess of the capital sum shall be vested in the Trustees to be dealt with as the Committee or an Extraordinary General or Annual General Meeting shall from time to time direct by resolution and subject to the provisions of the Trust Deed appointing the Trustees
- The Trustees shall hold office until death or resignation or until removed from office by a resolution of the Committee provided that such resolution shall be approved at the next General Meeting and such approval shall require a two-thirds majority of those members voting
- Where by reason of any death resignation or removal it is necessary to appoint a new Trustee or Trustees the Committee shall by resolution nominate the person to be appointed subject to confirmation as provided in 16.5
- For the purpose of giving effect to such resolution the Chairman or Chairwoman Secretary and Treasurer for the time being shall be the persons to appoint the new Trustees of the Society within the meaning of Section 36 of the Trustees Act 1925 and they shall by Deed duly appoint the persons so nominated
Adopted 26th April 1999
- Members are expected to treat each other with courtesy at all times
- Care should be taken as language can both offend and exclude people either through its content or the way it is used
- Personal information (e.g. HIV/AIDS status telephone number address age etc.) may not be disclosed without consent of the individual involved
- Drunken behaviour is not acceptable
- It shall be possible for an event in members’ homes to be restricted to gays lesbians and bisexuals only provided that at least one such event per month is open to all members
- Guests attending events in other members’ homes should always exercise consideration and respect for the host and their property
- Non-members may be admitted to events but the host retains the absolute right to refuse to admit them
- Wilful damage to or theft of personal property will result in expulsion from the Society
- Smoking is only allowed in members’ homes where permitted by the host
- No animals may be taken into a members’ home except with the express permission of the host
If someone feels aggrieved by the actions of another member;
- Contact a Committee Member for advice and attempt to resolve through mediation and discussion
- The grievance may be raised at a full Committee Meeting for discussion by the Committee and for action if required. This can be in person or in writing. The choice is with the aggrieved party
Adopted April 1999
- Participation in CAGS events is open to all members regardless of gender race age sexual orientation (subject to Clause 5 of the General Code of Conduct) HIV status or disability (host environment permitting). This means that hosts may not refuse participation on the above criteria
- Members who host an event have a final veto on who may be allowed access to their home subject to the conditions listed above
- If you refuse admission you must inform a Committee Member giving a valid reason. Members may use the Grievance Procedure if they feel unreasonably excluded from events
- If specialised events are hosted prospective guests must be informed of any special requirements e.g. leather only
- Therefore the following points may assist hosts:
- Try to accept all who wish to attend if practicable
- Where appropriate set a maximum number you can accommodate and advertise in the Newsletter
- Requests may be declined if received less than 24 hours before an event or as specified in the Newsletter
- If you do not know the person contacting you and wish for confirmation speak to the Chair or relevant Committee Member to confirm identity before revealing venue address
- If the person is not a member or is a prospective member it may be helpful to enquire where they heard of the event and if you wish you may ask them to arrive with a known member
- If you have to cancel an event attempt to inform inquirers that the event will not take place. The host should endeavour to leave a notification of cancellation at the venue address for those who arrive at the published time. At the very least a Committee Member should be informed of any unavoidable cancellation as soon as possible
- You may put a closing time if wished. Members and guests should abide by this.